What is VPS?

Virtual Dedicated Server (VPS) is your virtual house in one big server, as opposed to shared hosting, where you are the owner of all the rights and can easily add or remove programs that you need.
To compare the Shared Hosting and VPS you need to imagine the hostel with one shower on the floor, which you can use only when your supervisor allows you to, and luxurious townhouse where you are free to do whatever your heart desires! Renting a virtual server you are moving to better conditions just for few minutes. Thus, we see that VPS is the same dedicated server but for much less money!

ESXi #1

Simple VPS

  • 1024 MB RAM
  • 1 CPU Core 2,4 GHz
  • 20 GB Raid 10 Storage
  • Unlimited Premium Traffic
  • 100 MBit Port
  • Enterprise Supermicro Hardware
  • VmWare ESXi powered
  • 99.95% Uptime Guarantee
  • Any OS
14 €

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ESXi #2

Medium VPS

  • 2048 MB RAM
  • 2 CPU Core 2,4 GHz
  • 30 GB Raid 10 Storage
  • Unlimited Premium Traffic
  • 100 MBit Port
  • Enterprise Supermicro Hardware
  • VmWare ESXi powered
  • 99.95% Uptime Guarantee
  • Any OS
22 €

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ESXi #3

Advanced VPS

  • 4096 MB RAM
  • 2 CPU Core 2,4 GHz
  • 50 GB Raid 10 Storage
  • Unlimited Premium Traffic
  • 100 MBit Port
  • Enterprise Supermicro Hardware
  • VmWare ESXi powered
  • 99.95% Uptime Guarantee
  • Any OS
35 €

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ESXi #4

Superior VPS

  • 8192 MB RAM
  • 4 CPU Core 2,4 GHz
  • 75 GB Raid 10 Storage
  • Unlimited Premium Traffic
  • 100 MBit Port
  • Enterprise Supermicro Hardware
  • VmWare ESXi powered
  • 99.95% Uptime Guarantee
  • Any OS
59 €

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ESXi Benefits

The distinctive feature of the Vmware ESXi is the availability of the very convenient console system that allows to see what is happening at that or another moment on your server, just like you are standing next to the monitor server and watching it.

Guaranteed Resources

We do not do overselling – every our client receives a dedicated core of powerful multi-core systems based on Intel Xeon E5620, E5645. The number of cores as well as the memory can be changed upon your request at any time.

Special Features

The owner of VPS can install any software to configure any service on the server. In some virtualization systems, such asXen or VmWare, the user can edit even the core of the system.

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